Josh + Alex Ceremony - Albert Pike Wedding Photography
Josh and Alex got married last weekend at the Albert Pike Hotel, downtown Little Rock. I had such a great time at their wedding. I was happy to have my good friend and fellow wedding photographer Allen Hyslip with me. Josh and Alex are such a great couple. Alex was radiating with love and excitement! I love me some happy brides! Josh had some of the coolest dudes for groomsman ever. These guys were having a blast the whole time. Here are a couple of my favorites from the first part of the day. Stay tuned for the second half of the blog tomorrow. Enjoy!
Josh gave Alex some pearls before the wedding. He sent his best man up to deliver her gift. I guess he knows how to do it! She lit right up when she saw them!
After exchanging gifts, they read the love letters that they both wrote to each other.
Alex's grandfather performed the wedding ceremony.
Happy tears of course!
I decided to save the best for last! Look at these dudes! Crazy! I forgot to tell you that they were all huge fans of action movies.