Follow our journal.
This is a collection of our past work and some of our personal journals as well. Please follow along our journey through photography. Join us on our photography journey by following our collection of past work and personal journals. With each post, you'll get an exclusive insight into our creative process and experience the beauty of photography firsthand. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of our story! Follow us now.
Blogging, connections, referrals, and moving a wedding photography business
Disclaimer: This blog is definitely long overdo, two years to be exact. I know, right? We're a little behind on our blogs, but the best part about running your own photography blog is that I've decided not to discipline myself for NOT blogging on time, and to just start now and get back on track. I figure most people probably don't read these blogs anyway, but only stop by to see the photos. Which is totally cool, that's really all I want you guys to see in the first place. I've never been great at writing but because I know it's part of the business, I will embrace it.
Shotguns to Surfboards...We're moving to California!
WPPI - Epic West Coast Road Trip 2012
Today Leslie and I are leaving, headed out for our second annual 2 week Epic Road trip to the west coast. I'm not saying we are going to make a habit of this, but you may remember last years trip. This time we are going with two of our friends. Four photographers packed into a Prius with 4,000 miles of driving ahead of them. Our journey will take us to the Grand Canyon for two days. Then off to the coast. First in Laguna Beach, California for a couple more days, then up the Pacific Coast Highway to San Francisco, where we will stay in "Japan Town". After a few days in San Fran we head to Las Vegas, Nevada for the largest convention for Wedding Photographers in the United States, WPPI. For the next two weeks we will be shooting, driving, blogging, tweeting, facebooking, eating, and some very little sleeping. Sometimes all at the same time, haha, but also soaking in the wonderfully beautiful country as we travel from one location to the next.
Tuesdays with Eli - Laguna Beach California
Here are just a few more of my favorite photos from Leslie and I's trip to Southern California. These photos were all taken in the city of Laguna Beach. Enjoy!
Happy Mother's Day!
For every hug you gaveand hurt you kissed, For every mile you drove, and sleep you missed. For every meal you made and things you bought, For every brave and loving lesson you taught...
For all of these you gave to me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
-Happy Mother's Day, I love you!
Ashley + Stephen - Southern Engagement Portraits
Ashley and Stephen are two of the sweetest people I have ever photographed. I absolutely cannot wait for their wedding in September! Leslie and I had such a good time taking their engagement photos around the southern backroads of Arkansas. Ashley has lived in this area her whole life and so she was very comfortable in this environment. Stephen being from Louisiana, I thought the swamps were pretty fitting for their backdrop. Congrats you guys! Enjoy!