Epic West Coast Road Trip
For the last couple months Leslie and I have been preparing for one crazy awesome two week road trip out West. Leslie and I are certainly not new to the idea of making long drives. We've both made our fair share of day trips behind the wheel. I think we've made enough tracks on the highway to earn the title "Road Warriors". When we were dating and living in separate states, if we wanted to see each other we had to drive. I never really thought to much about it. I just knew that I wanted to see my girl, so I drove.....This drive though, is different. This road trip we make together, not to just get a chance to see each other, but to see each other in new exciting places. To grow together, laugh together, experience together, and spend a whole lot of time together in our little car, haha. Leslie knows that I have always had a love for the West. I've been dying to take her there since we first started dating.The whole trip is a combination of lots of different stops. We're taking two weeks to make this trip and I can tell you it will be non-stop action. We'll leave from Little Rock February 12th. Our first stop is Albuquerque New Mexico, after that we're headed strait for the coast. I will be meeting with a super cool couple that has booked me for their wedding in Temecula, California in May. We actually haven't met each other in person yet, so I'm really excited to finally meet them both! While we're there, we'll shoot their engagement photos in Costa Mesa and Laguna Beach. We'll spend a couple nights there before leaving for Palm Springs. There are so many amazing locations, I wish we could make them all, but we have to pick and choose.
After Palm Springs we are headed up I62 and stopping in Joshua Tree and Twentynine Palms. Taking photos along the way, we'll make our way to Mohave Vally and then stay a few days with my brother. I visited him around this same time last year. I came to visit my brother and also attend WPPI, which will be Leslie and I's next stop. WPPI is a huge convention for wedding and portrait photographers. It's a pretty huge deal for lots of photographers. I know, last year I got a lot from it, so I made it my goal to make it again this year. Our last stop, on the way back is gonna be the Grand Canyon. This is one of those things that I've always wanted to see and I feel extremely blessed to have the opportunity. I'm super excited about this trip, I can't wait to share some images with you guys!
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain