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This is a collection of our past work and some of our personal journals as well. Please follow along our journey through photography. Join us on our photography journey by following our collection of past work and personal journals. With each post, you'll get an exclusive insight into our creative process and experience the beauty of photography firsthand. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of our story! Follow us now.
Tuesdays with Eli - Community, Helping, Sharing, Giving, Growing.
To quote the KJV Bible in Acts 20:35, Jesus Christ said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." To quote John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address of 1961' "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." One more quote made famous by Albert Einstein, "The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable receiving." These three men didn't share a whole lot in common. Their passions, interest, and personal lives were all different, but they all seamed to understand one universal truth. Giving anything to anyone, is much better that waiting to receive. It's much better because its positive, it helps others, and something magical happens to the giver... they are in turn blessed back. I am sharing this with you guys on my "Tuesdays with Eli" for a couple reasons. One, I'm seeing first hand right now in my life how this basic principle works. Two, I'm hearing the stories first hand of my friends and family that are also working this principle, and three, I hope that this blog post might inspire someone to do the same. With all of that said, I am young and naive to a lot of things in this world. Yes, I did just read a couple books recently that jazzed me up and made me think that it is that easy. But, I'm just telling you from what I am experiencing, that this stuff does work wonders.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Wow, I sure am doing a lot of personal blogs lately, I guess I've been spending a lot of time with my family lately. That's not a bad thing right? I'm actually really happy that I can spend so much time with my family, after all, they do mean a whole lot to me. Today is my Mom's Birthday. We celebrated this weekend with dinner and gifts, and while I was visiting we got a little bit of a flurry. Of course I had my camera and asked mom if she would let me take a few photos of her. At the time, I was just snapping away, quickly composing the frame, adjusting shutter speed and aperture, just doing what I do without thinking much about it. Today, now that I'm looking at these photos and posting them on my blog, I'm realizing how special these photos are to me. Honestly they're priceless. Happy Birthday Mom!
To Grandma's House We Go
So last weekend Leslie and I made the trip up to Nashville, TN to visit her Grandparents and have a birthday dinner for her older sister. Buford and Nell are will have been married for 60 years in July and have lived happily in there home for the last 37. While I was there Nell was determined to make sure that I left her home stuffed. I piled my plate full of some wonderful southern home cooking, but she still wanted to make sure that I had all that I could eat and then some, haha. Nell & Buford are wonderful host's and I'm already looking forward to our next visit! Also, I can check off #18 from my goals of 2010. I tried a southern red beet for the first time..."different."
Jaycee Alice - Newborn Portraits Arkansas
Candice really has been with me from the beginning, she's been a loyal client and friend for over the last two years. When I was first getting started in photography, Candice helped me build my portfolio by letting me photograph her bridal portraits. After Candice and Ray got married in October 2008, it wasn't long before their family began to grow. I was super excited that Candice still thought of me to do her maternity photos. That really is the biggest complement that I receive, when I take someone's photo and they are so happy they come back. I hope that I will continue to be a part of Candice, Ray, and now baby Jaycee's lives and I plan to continue to deliver photos that will make them smile. Thanks again Candice, for letting me be a part of your special moments, you certainly are a special part of my life.
Tuesday's with Eli - Roadtrips
I have always loved road trips. For one thing I do some of my best thinking on the road. All the distractions of the "day to day life" are taken away when you only have one simple task to do...Drive. Because I had dated Leslie for 3 years long distance, I got pretty used to long drives. I really only need a couple things to make me happy on a road trip: Plain sunflower seeds, bottle water, possibly a Rockstar Energy drink, and if it's a really long drive... an audio book. These simple things make all the difference to me if I'm driving by myself. However, if I have a driving partner, that is something else. This weekend Leslie and I took a roadtrip to Nashville, Tennessee, her hometown. We we going there for her sister's birthday dinner at her grandparent' house. The weather was really nice the whole weekend, just a bit chilly, but made for a super pretty drive most the way. I was major excited to listen to my new audiobook "Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi, and the 11 hour drive was a perfect fit.
Tuesdays with Eli - Fun in the Snow!
Yesterday I blogged about the engagements portraits I took of Danielle & Jordan on Saturday. I told you guys that if they didn't want to get out because of the weather, I was gonna be stupid and get out just to shoot some portraits of Leslie & I anyways. But because Danielle & Jordan were such awesome sports, they wanted to shoot their engagements and shoot some of Leslie and I too. I have to say, I really liked the idea because shooting my own portraits with a tripod and remote is not the easiest thing to do. I was a little reluctant at first though, I didn't want to make my clients work for me, haha, but Leslie didn't mind. She always wants great shots of the two of us. She thinks that we don't have enough photos together because I'm always behind the camera. So, after I did some photos of Danielle and Jordan, I showed them some of the basics on working my camera they were ready to go! After I looked at a few of their photos, I was shocked. I better watch out, because Danielle & Jordan may be the next dream team photographers to take my job. Leslie was ecstatic, she couldn't stop talking about how great the photos were. It was a lot of fun shooting in the snowy environment, but it sure was different letting my clients photograph me.So there you go, my second "Tuesday's with Eli" post and I already getting my clients to shoot for me, haha. Stick around, who knows what I'll have next week on "Tuesdays with Eli".