
Follow our journal.

This is a collection of our past work and some of our personal journals as well. Please follow along our journey through photography. Join us on our photography journey by following our collection of past work and personal journals. With each post, you'll get an exclusive insight into our creative process and experience the beauty of photography firsthand. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of our story! Follow us now.

Weddings, Portraits Eli Murray Weddings, Portraits Eli Murray

Kele & Jonathan Luigs - Arkansas Wedding Part 1

So I've decided to break up Kele & Jonathan's wedding into two parts because I had so many photos that I wanted to share. I didn't want to overload you guys with too many in one blog post, so come back tomorrow for part two. When I first shot Jonathan & Kele's engagement photos I knew there was a possibility that Jonathan might get drafted to the NFL, but when I found out that he was picked by the Cincinnati Bengals I was super excited for them both! Here are a few of my favorites from their wedding.

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Personal Eli Murray Personal Eli Murray

Tuesdays with Eli - Vegas Baby

Hey, hey everyone! Well I made it safely to Vegas. I landed yesterday and my brother picked me up at the airport. He lives about an hour away from Vegas in a little town called Bullhead City, Arizona. I'll be staying here at his place for this week before the WPPI convention next week. I've got lots of planning to do before the convention, but I have to say, this is one sweet pad I'm staying at. I can work from the back deck still pick up WiFi and look right over the flowing Colorado River. Pretty Sweet!

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Portraits Eli Murray Portraits Eli Murray

Kele's Bridal Portraits Marlsgate Arkansas Photographer

Today I am photographing Kele and Jonathan's wedding. I have just been dying to show off Kele's bridal portraits that we took back in January, but I had to wait until now so that certain eyes wouldn't see. Kele is a beautiful bride and when she told me that she wanted to go to Marlsgate Plantation to shoot her portraits, I knew that these bridals would be something else. A little bit of high fashion/ lifestyle portraits, at least that's the feeling I got from them anyways. I'll be sharing their wedding soon, stay tuned. Enjoy!

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Personal Eli Murray Personal Eli Murray

Tuesdays with Eli - Adobe Lightroom Tip #1

Hey everyone, today is Tuesday, that means you'll be hearing from me again. Since I've been doing so much personal blogging lately, I decided to share with all you interested photographers and photo enthusiast a couple tips I've learned for my post processing. First of all I want to say I'm no expert, there are plenty of great ways to post process your photos, the key is to just find a great system that works best for you. I'm just sharing with you my current system that's working for me. The first part of my workflow after capturing the photos onto my hard drive, is using a program called Photo Mechanic. It cost $150 bucks, but makes selecting, re-ordering, marking, and re-naming the original files much faster that trying to do it in Lightroom. I save tons of time doing it this way first. I shoot a lot of pictures, so that means I get rid of a lot too. I like to shoot a lot because sometimes I'm just looking for the difference between a half smile and a real smile. I try to catch that fraction of a moment that's just right, so I shoot a lot and I'm liberal with trashing the ones that don't make it.

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Engagements, Portraits Eli Murray Engagements, Portraits Eli Murray

Josh & Alex - Arkansas Modern Engagement Photography

1700 photos for an engagement session may be a bit much, but when I find something I really like, it sure is hard to put it down. Wednesday was a great day for me. I got to spend a couple hours with the very cool couple, Josh & Alex. Alex got excited after their engagements that she already started planning her bridals. I can't wait tell their wedding in May! Wednesday was also special for me, because my new friend Jason Crader allowed me to test out some new gear, for Josh & Alex's engagements. After a couple minutes shooting, I was sold. I was thrilled with the images that were coming out. Honestly I wanted to shoot more, I couldn't put it down. Josh and Alex didn't seem to mind either so we just kept shooting! What an awesome couple, you could definitely see the sparkle in Alex's eyes when see looks at Josh. These two are no doubt in love. Their excitement and energy was feeding mine. This is why I know that I have the best job in the world. Nothing else gets me this jazzed. Enjoy the photos!

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Portraits, Personal Eli Murray Portraits, Personal Eli Murray

Grandma Cain - Snowball Fight!

I'm sure you're all wondering when I'm gonna start blogging some actual clients again and stop blogging my family all the time, haha. Well, I've got some engagements coming real soon that you'll probably want to check out... I know that when Arkansas gets snow like this, it always makes me feel like a kid again, and I guess it does the same thing for my grandma. I've been wanting to blog this for a while now, like when we still had some snow on the ground, but maybe this will bring some good memories back for you guys and you'll all be wishing we had snow again, haha. Maybe next year right? So here is my grandma enjoying the winter weather!

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Coffee shop Little Rock AR
Eli and Leslie Murray Wedding
Utah delicate Arch Photographer